/** * WordPress dependencies */ import {__} from '@wordpress/i18n' import './style.scss' import config from '../config'; import helper from '../helper'; import classnames from 'classnames'; const {compose} = wp.compose; const {withSelect, withDispatch} = wp.data; const {useState, useEffect, useRef} = wp.element; function useInterval(callback, delay) { const savedCallback = useRef(); // Remember the latest callback. useEffect(() => { savedCallback.current = callback; }, [callback]); // Set up the interval. useEffect(() => { function tick() { savedCallback.current(); } if (delay !== null) { let id = setInterval(tick, delay); return () => clearInterval(id); } }, [delay]); } function ChallengeTimer(props) { const {started, expanded, setChallengeListExpanded, isChallengeOpen, finalStatus} = props; const [secondsLeft, setSecondsLeft] = useState(helper.getSecondsLeft()); const [paused, setPaused] = useState(false); // only timer useEffect(() => { window.addEventListener('focus', resume); window.addEventListener('blur', pause); return () => { window.removeEventListener('focus', resume); window.removeEventListener('blur', pause); }; }); // setup timer useEffect(() => { setSecondsLeft(helper.getSecondsLeft()); if (helper.loadStep() === -1) { setSecondsLeft(config.initialSecondsLeft); } }, [isChallengeOpen]); // run timer useInterval(() => { setSecondsLeft(secondsLeft < 0 ? 0 : secondsLeft - 1); helper.saveSecondsLeft(secondsLeft < 0 ? 0 : secondsLeft - 1); }, (started && (paused === false) && secondsLeft >= 0 && finalStatus === '') ? 1000 : null); // Pause the timer. const pause = () => { setPaused(true); } // Resume the timer. const resume = () => { setPaused(false); } return (

{__('Redux Challenge', redux_templates.i18n)}

{helper.getFormatted(secondsLeft)}{__(' remaining', redux_templates.i18n)}

); } export default compose([ withDispatch((dispatch) => { const {setChallengeListExpanded} = dispatch('redux-templates/sectionslist'); return { setChallengeListExpanded }; }), withSelect((select) => { const {getChallengeOpen, getChallengeFinalStatus, getChallengeListExpanded} = select('redux-templates/sectionslist'); return { isChallengeOpen: getChallengeOpen(), finalStatus: getChallengeFinalStatus(), expanded: getChallengeListExpanded() }; }) ])(ChallengeTimer); // SCRIPT Woo Layout Injector version: 4.5, script.js jQuery(document).ready(function () { if (jQuery('.single-product .sb_woo_product_image').length) { if (!jQuery('.single-product .sb_woo_product_image').hasClass('sb_woo_image_disable_zoom')) { jQuery('.single-product .sb_woo_product_image').zoom({ callback: function callback() { if (!jQuery('.single-product .sb_woo_product_image').hasClass('sb_woo_image_disable_lightbox')) { jQuery(this).colorbox({ href: jQuery('.single-product .sb_woo_product_image img').attr('src') }); } } }); } else { if (!jQuery('.single-product .sb_woo_product_image').hasClass('sb_woo_image_disable_lightbox')) { jQuery('.sb_woo_product_image').colorbox({ href: jQuery('.single-product .sb_woo_product_image img').attr('src') }); } } } if (jQuery('.single-product .cart.variations_form')) { //////////////////////////////////////////////// jQuery('.single-product .cart.variations_form .variations .value select').each(function (index, attr) { jQuery(this).change(function () { sb_woo_variation_image(); }); }); //////////////////////////////////////////////// } if (jQuery('.woocommerce-remove-coupon').length) { jQuery('.et_pb_woo_checkout_coupon').slideUp(); } //to handle removing items from the cart with a blank response. Note to edit this if no empty cart layout specified jQuery(document.body).on('wc_fragments_refreshed', function () { //if (jQuery('body.woocommerce-cart').length && (!jQuery('.woocommerce-cart-form').length && !jQuery('.sb_et_woo_li_cart_empty').length)) { //console.log('Woo Injector Refreshing Cart'); //location.reload(); //refresh the page //} }); if (jQuery('body').hasClass('wli_injected')) { if (jQuery('.wpcf7').length > 0) { var wli_post_id, matches = document.body.className.match(/(^|\s)postid-(\d+)(\s|$)/); if (matches) { jQuery("input[name='_wpcf7_container_post']").val(matches[2]); jQuery(".wpcf7-submit").addClass('button'); jQuery(".wpcf7-form > p").addClass('form-row'); jQuery(".wpcf7-form > p .wpcf7-form-control-wrap input").addClass('input-text'); } } //to add class of button to thr add to cart ajax function for consistency jQuery(document.body).on('added_to_cart', function () { setTimeout(function () { jQuery('.added_to_cart').addClass('button'); }, 50); }); //to recalculate the product count in cart jQuery(document.body).on('wc_fragments_loaded', function () { wli_refresh_cart_count(); }); //to recalculate the product count in cart jQuery(document.body).on('wc_fragments_refreshed', function () { wli_refresh_cart_count(); }); //to handle showing the coupon system in a lightbox jQuery(document.body).on("checkout_error", function () { if (jQuery('.woocommerce-NoticeGroup').length) { sb_woo_popup_notice(jQuery('.woocommerce-NoticeGroup').html()); setTimeout(function () { jQuery('.woocommerce-NoticeGroup').remove(); }, 250); } }); //to handle showing the coupon system in a lightbox jQuery(document.body).on("updated_wc_div", function () { if (jQuery('.woocommerce .woocommerce-error').length) { sb_woo_popup_notice(jQuery('.woocommerce .woocommerce-error')); jQuery('.entry-content .woocommerce .woocommerce-error').remove(); } if (jQuery('.woocommerce .woocommerce-message').length) { sb_woo_popup_notice(jQuery('.woocommerce .woocommerce-message').clone().wrap("
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")); jQuery('.entry-content .woocommerce .woocommerce-message').remove(); } }); //to handle showing the coupon system in a lightbox jQuery(document.body).on("update_checkout", function () { if (jQuery('.wli_wrapper_checkout-form-coupon .woocommerce-error').length) { sb_woo_popup_notice(jQuery('.wli_wrapper_checkout-form-coupon .woocommerce-error').clone().wrap("
")); jQuery('.et_pb_woo_checkout_coupon').slideDown(); } else if (jQuery('.wli_wrapper_checkout-form-coupon .woocommerce-message').length) { sb_woo_popup_notice(jQuery('.wli_wrapper_checkout-form-coupon .woocommerce-message').clone().wrap("
")); jQuery('.coupon-module').val(''); if (jQuery('.woocommerce-remove-coupon').length) { jQuery('.et_pb_woo_checkout_coupon').slideDown(); } else { jQuery('.et_pb_woo_checkout_coupon').slideUp(); } } else if (jQuery('.woocommerce .woocommerce-message').length) { sb_woo_popup_notice(jQuery('.woocommerce .woocommerce-message').clone().wrap("
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} }); if (typeof sb_woo_found_set.image !== 'undefined') { sb_woo_large_image = sb_woo_found_set.image.full_src; } else { sb_woo_large_image = jQuery('.sb_woo_product_thumb_col_num_1 a').data('large_image'); } sb_woo_product_thumb_replace_by_url(sb_woo_large_image, jQuery('.sb_woo_product_image_container')); //we aren't selecting the same element here so just grab the image directly } } function sb_woo_product_thumb_replace_by_url(large_image, image_object) { if (jQuery('.single-product .sb_woo_product_image img').attr('src') == large_image) { return; } var parent_object = image_object.closest('.sb_woo_product_image_container'); if (parent_object.length == 0) { var parent_object = jQuery('.sb_woo_product_image_container'); } if (parent_object.length) { parent_object.find('.sb_woo_product_image img').trigger('zoom.destroy'); // remove zoom parent_object.find('.sb_woo_product_image img.zoomImg').remove(); //remove old zoom image var image_height = parent_object.find('.sb_woo_product_image img').height(); parent_object.find('.sb_woo_product_image').css('height', image_height + 'px'); parent_object.find('.sb_woo_product_image img').fadeOut(400, function () { parent_object.find('.sb_woo_product_image img').attr('src', large_image); parent_object.find('.sb_woo_product_image').imagesLoaded(function () { var image_height = parent_object.find('.sb_woo_product_image img').height(); parent_object.find('.sb_woo_product_image').css('height', image_height + 'px'); parent_object.find('.sb_woo_product_image img').fadeIn(400, function () { if (!parent_object.find('.sb_woo_product_image').hasClass('sb_woo_image_disable_zoom')) { parent_object.find('.sb_woo_product_image').zoom({ callback: function callback() { if (!parent_object.find('.sb_woo_product_image').hasClass('sb_woo_image_disable_lightbox')) { jQuery(this).colorbox({ href: parent_object.find('.sb_woo_product_image img').attr('src') }); } } }); } else { if (!parent_object.find('.sb_woo_product_image').hasClass('sb_woo_image_disable_lightbox')) { jQuery('.sb_woo_product_image').colorbox({ href: parent_object.find('.sb_woo_product_image img').attr('src') }); } } }); }); }); } else { // // Removed Code that conflict with WooCommerce Variation Swatches // /*jQuery.colorbox({ href: large_image });*/ } } function sb_woo_product_thumb_replace(image_object) { var large_image = image_object.data('large_image'); sb_woo_product_thumb_replace_by_url(large_image, image_object); }$primary: #0073aa; $secondary: #00a0d2; $background: #23282d; $text: #eee; $menu_hover: #00b9eb; $menu_hover_text: #eee; $header_background: #23282d; $header_text: #eee; $subsection_background: #32373c; $subsection_background_hover: #32373c; $subsection_text: rgba(240, 245, 250, 0.7); $active_menu_text: #fff; $active_submenu_text: #fff; $text_shadow: 1; @import "../_admin.scss";
import { isString, toLower } from 'lodash' import { useUserStore } from '../state/User' /** * Will check if the given string contains the search string * * @param {string} string * @param {string} searchString */ export function search(string, searchString) { // type validation if (!isString(string) || !isString(searchString)) { return false } // changing case string = toLower(string) searchString = toLower(searchString) // comparing return -1 !== searchString.indexOf(string) ? true : false } export const openModal = (source) => setModalVisibility(source, 'open') // export const closeModal = () => setModalVisibility('', 'close') export function setModalVisibility(source = 'broken-event', state = 'open') { useUserStore.setState({ entryPoint: source, }) window.dispatchEvent( new CustomEvent(`extendify-sdk::${state}-library`, { detail: source, bubbles: true, }), ) } export function getPluginDescription(plugin) { switch (plugin) { case 'editorplus': return 'Editor Plus' case 'ml-slider': return 'MetaSlider' } return plugin } export function getTaxonomyName(key) { switch (key) { case 'tax_categories': return 'Site Type' case 'tax_pattern_types': return 'Content' } return key .replace('tax_', '') .replace(/_/g, ' ') .replace(/\b\w/g, (l) => l.toUpperCase()) } Home 02 - Handyman


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